Kleos Sibilance

Hello Folks,

I posted this in a Delos thread but I thought I'd better start it's own thread.

I have a new Kleos in a JMW 9 Signature on a Scoutmaster. I am getting sibilance on vocals beyond what I have heard with either a Shelter 501 II or a VPI Ortofon on the same table. My dealer put the Kleos on the wand I had the VPI cart on. I have gone to 1.8g and did not solve it and I have checked the alignment. I brought the rear of the arm down as well. It may be less pronounced but it is still there. Otherwise the Kleos is quite nice. It has 3 or 4 hours on it now. I do not hear misstracking on high level passages, just sibilance and sometimes some grunge on male vocals. It is not on all vocals but it is fairly common.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob
Good for Tzh21y!

I am the OP and no amount of adjusting has solved my issue. As I mentioned, putting weight on the headshell improved things significantly.

Over last weekend I removed about 1 gram of the Blu-tack (imitation brand) and reset VTF/VTA. This resulted in more lively sound and somewhat underdamped sound. And the sibilance increased somewhat.

Yesterday I removed the Kleos and send it to Sota so they can install it in a SME 309 for my upcoming Star refurb. I put the wand with the Shelter 501 II back on the JMW 9 Signature and readjusted VTF, etc. Real difference. Not as fast, lighter and undistinguished bass, and generally lower quality sound. The Shelter is pretty good in some areas, it does retrieve a fair amount of detail and has a clarity that my VPI/Dynavector 20xH cannot match. Of course I bought the Shelter when they were under 1K$.

Y'all have some fun,
When I purchased a new cart for my Signature arm, I used the following to determine if the cart could be compatable. I purchased the mentioned cart.

ZYX Fuji R100 X(H)-SB
- Cart weight 9 (5 cart, 4 SB)
- Compliance 15 horizontal, 12 vertical

JMW-9 Tonearm
- Effective mass 7.7

JMW-9 Signature Tonearm
- Effective mass 9.5


rf = 159 / sqrt ((eff. mass + cart weight + fastener weight) * (compliance))


JMW-9 Tonearm
- Resonant freq 9.9 horizontal, 11.1 vertical

JMW-9 Signature Tonearm
- Resonant freq 9.4 horizontal, 10.5 vertical

I would also check your spindle to pivot distance to ensure it is 223mm. With the VPI plinth, I can almost make this distance (just over 222mm). I also use the Mint LP Protractor as I find this more accurate than the supplied protractor.

I am not sure why any of this is not clearly documented, but having this has helped my situation. Maybe HW can comment on the above specification.

So, Maczurak, tell us how the resonant frequency relates to tracking sibilance. I'm rusty on the specifics.

This was a post more in response to text from 01-11-11: Robob. I also checked the Kleos as this is what I was planning on trying once I completed my project to replace my Scout plinth. I wouldn't buy any cartridge without first checking this calculation.

"Isn’t easier to send us an e-mail and ask us what works perfectly in the arm we make!!!!!"

That is one way to do it. The other is to buy the cartridge you want and if it does not work ask for help. If it cannot be made to work then one must go back to the previous cart, buy something else, or replace the arm. In this case I really wanted a Delos or a Kleos.