Cartridge protractor- the best?

Hello. Would like some feedback on the best cartridge protractor for Rega P9 with RB1000 arm. Why do you recommend your choice? Thanks in advance!
Your ears. Spend a day or two aligning the cartridge and adjusting the arm and phono stage and you will find the best possible setting. Or you can spend $700 on something sold here, spend an hour and possibly get the second best.
Your choice.
Thanks Inna, but surely you don't mount your cartridge by "eye-balling" it? I agree, final tweeks can be done by ear, but I would like to be in the ballpark to start with. I purchased the Rega because I do not really want to fiddle with setup, would rather play some records! Anyone else with a recommendation?
Pick youself up a Mobile Fidelity Geo Disk ( around $50 ) ...Very simple to use and will get you close enough to play and enjoy..You can tinker more using your ears for final adjustments......
Download an arc protractor from Conrad Hoffman's site. It's free. You simply enter the correct parameters for your table/arm combo and it does the calculation. I have virtually no inner groove distortion now that my cart is aligned using an arc protractor.