Best Phono solid state under 2K?

Moving to a phono stage to match with my cayin KT88, so i am looking for a solid state piece, thinking in Simaudio, PS audio, or any otehr you suggest!
If you run your cartridge using balanced cables, (I do), you might consider the Ayre P-5xe. Used it runs around $1,500. It is basically the same as the phono stage in the Ayre K-1xe, (albeit just a bit better sounding, according to Charles Hansen of Ayre fame). I own the K-1xe, and the phono boards are near reference. (The only phono stages that better it cost double to triple the price). However, Ayre equipment is meant to be run in balanced mode to take advantage of its design. So if you don't run a balanced system, you might not get all that this phono stage is capable of.

My two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search!
I've listened to the Cayin at my local dealer -- looks gorgeous and sounds the same. Why a solid state phono preamp in front of such a terrific tube integrated amp?

Not arguing, just curious.
Because i Think that the combination of Solid state with tubes could be more synergistic!
nothing special, i am here just looking for advice from people with much more experience in this field.
In response to Rdavwhitaker's query, if you're using a really low output MC cartridge, you might be better off with a decent quality solid state phono preamp, as there will, "typically", be less of a noise floor than with a tube preamp. (That is one reason why I prefer having a solid state preamp, and having tubes in my amp.) My Dynavector XV-1S cartridge, (0.3 MV output), has no issues whatsoever with my solid state preamp.

Another two cents from me.
I use an SS phono stage in my otherwise all tube system and it works extremeley well. I am a devoted tubophile but do find that they are not as quiet as SS when amplifying very small signals and that I experienced much better bass extension. I have a Dynevector 20x HO so I was able to buy a Graham Slee Graham Amp 2 SE for about $450 brand new. It is the MM or HO MC model in their line. I have a great deal of confidence that their upscale models are even better than the one I have which is astonishingly good.
There are a ton of good choices in that price range I am sure you will find a great one without having to break your budget.