Best Phono solid state under 2K?

Moving to a phono stage to match with my cayin KT88, so i am looking for a solid state piece, thinking in Simaudio, PS audio, or any otehr you suggest!
You should be able to get the excellent Nagra BPS used for under $2K. It is a superb phono stage.
Ray Samuels Audio (RSA) F-117 Nighthawk MC/MM phono pre-amp.

Don't let the size or price fool you, it's an amazing phono pre-amp!
I had a Moon LP5.3 that I've just sold two weeks ago. I really loved that unit. It offers superb bass and dynamics. Sound is natural and coherent.

Plus, the many possible adjustments with internal jumpers are easy to do and can change the sound, just like tube rolling can.

I sold it because I'm now with Luxman integrated which offers a surprising phono stage!