Tonearm choices

hey all

newbie here but like many, I have been getting advice from you guys for years....and thank you:)

I recently had all my kit stolen including my TT. If you ever see a TW Raven One with a broken Jelco 10.5 and cantilever-less Benz Wood LP, it was mine :)

I was fortunate to have some a little 'windfall' which I used partly for a new/used Merc and wife and whatever left went to the audio. So I got myself a great deal on a TW AC and Transfiguration Orpheus, Whest Audio MC REF V Mk4 phono preamp, Ayre K5 and V5 pre-power and Wilson Watt Puppy 8.
The puppies they did not take!!! I wonder why?

I have spoken to a few people about arms but have now got it down to about 4 arms. TW Raven tonearm, Graham Phantom, Triplanar OR wait another 6 months to see what happens.

James at Whest Audio recommended the Graham and TW but favours the TW because it might take a while to get a Phantom (so he was told) and he has heard a lot of positives about the TW arm. My dealer recommended the Triplanar because he has one and feels it is MUCH better than the Phantom. A good friend and Phantom user recommends the Phantom but has not heard the other 2.

I like the Whest approach as there is no bias there.
I like the dealer approach as he is a triplanar user.
My friend is a nutcase but I believe him.

Which way do I turn? At present I'm using a modified REGA RB351. It's good but I think you all know what I mean. The amazing thing is the Raven AC/Orpheus/ Whest MC REF V/ makes the Rega sound quite stunning. But I tried an older Graham 2.0 and it just blew the RB351 out of the water.

So the question is has anyone compared these 3 tonearms or is there something else out these?


I am confused about your arm lift / arm clip comment. Sorry, but on that I don't agree. I do wish it had a locking arm rest.

As for your VTA comment. Sorry, but get a cartridge that is a line contact or very fussy w. VTA and then you will wish you could dial in VTA with ease. Just a pointer.

I will also say (and most here won't admit it) that VTA is more audible than excessive perfect setup of the arm on the table in terms of null points. On this you just need to do the math.

I have the TW Raven One with the Graham Phantom II with the Benz LP and I love this Trio.. obviously tuned with MintLP.
I have tried the 12" Redd 3Q Ziricote Wood .. minted too .. but I have found this beautiful arm too warm for my BenzLP and I strongly preferred the neutrality of Graham Phantom MKII.
By the way the TW Raven One and the Graham Phantom make a great magical combo.

My cent!
interesting no one has mentioned the kuzma arms. Having owned an ekos on a linn and a sme 20 with the V arm(there is no contest between the sme 20/30 and Kuzma XL btw). The kuzma 313 12inch arm I use on the XL 4 turnable is better in every way to the above in terms of power, detail, bass, openness and tracking ability. Old (1969) and new test records have never been tracked as securely as with the 313 and Benz micro LP ebony. The ebony was also used in the previous arms, I have 2.
Yes I know we listen to music not test records, but one needs a benchmark to start from.
One example is neil young's unplugged, standard vinyl, played for years on the linn then the sme. Always sounded a bit distant lacking dynamics, better on the sme still not much bass, the cd probably sounded better. It now sounds startlingly real and live, although not voluminous the bass there is now an awareness of the lower notes.
The kuzma has a very ingenious azimuth adjustment which works superbly, I always seemed to have a slight imbalance between right and left channels before. Using my old oscilloscope I can adjust the azimuth perfectly. This has enhanced imaging as well as balance.
Franc Kuzma believes azimuth is more critical than fine tweaks in VTA or VRA which ever you favour.
Having said that I am now able to hear small adjustments in arm height which had not been clear before.
Having used turntables for about 40 years, built arms and various diy hifi devices, it has finally become possible to dial in what seems to be the optimum settings for vinyl playback
I have also read and ben told by dealers that the kuzma 4point is astounding, unfortunately I have not tried one.
@grubscrew seven years have passed. Any new comparisons and bright lights you have recently discovered?