Congratulations and thanks for the follow up. Yours is a great story. This has been an interesting thread considering the range of early responses. Others are correct when they tell you that it's easy to get hooked and lost in the expense of it all. It sounds like you have a very good analog front end that will give you much listening pleasure. Now, just invite your young friends over for a listen/conversion because this industry needs some young enthusiasts to carry it along.
I say keep the digital for background and don't give up your collection. I play CDs about 5% of the time when I have a party and want background music. You can also demo the system to your friends using their own familiar CDs and then blow them away with the vinyl. Well done.
Congratulations and thanks for the follow up. Yours is a great story. This has been an interesting thread considering the range of early responses. Others are correct when they tell you that it's easy to get hooked and lost in the expense of it all. It sounds like you have a very good analog front end that will give you much listening pleasure. Now, just invite your young friends over for a listen/conversion because this industry needs some young enthusiasts to carry it along.
I say keep the digital for background and don't give up your collection. I play CDs about 5% of the time when I have a party and want background music. You can also demo the system to your friends using their own familiar CDs and then blow them away with the vinyl. Well done.