alternatives to vpi super feet?

I have a vpi scout and am wondering if there is a cheaper alternative to the vpi super feet. Perhaps the large E A R isolation feet or vibrapods? Any suggestions?

The same way as with the standard feet, you screw the old feet out and the new ones in, takes about 5 minutes at my age, probably less for younger A'goners. Then rotate the feet till table is level. Star sells brass washers to use if the one or more of the feet have to screwed out very much. This keeps the table more ridged. This is actually a good idea with the standard feet, get some brass washers of the appropriate size at your local hardware if there is much of a gap between the foot and the table.
I prefer to level the entire platform, because if it's not right, the motor won't be aligned with the platter, and the belt will dance around while playing. Obviously, this isn't always possible.
I bought ALL the upgrades to the scout, and only heard a difference with the Gingko Cloud 11. I was so impressed with the difference, I now use them under all my pieces.