Schröder Tonearm

Anyone have any thoughts concerning Frank Schröders Tonearms,especially the No 2,now that they have been around for quite a while.
How have they stood the test of time ?
Thanks, Tawa

My stock original Carbon Fibre wand Model 2 is great. I've had it for about 6-7 years now and it runs my Allaerts MC1B and I'm very happy with it. No need to change unless I unexpectedly come into stacks of cash. If I did, Frank has previously informed me that I can send my Model 2 back to him to be upgraded. Mind you, if I came into the cash, I think I'd just place an order for a SQ and join the back of a very long queue.

Most Tonearms guide a cartridge, here it is the other way. Listening to uncompressed music via this Design is like driving a car with 3 wheels.

Don't get me going. You are way off on this. Most cartridges guide the arm. The ones with sticky bearings mess it up. And there are many to that effect. If you have nothing good to say (of course a fellow German designer who is not your friend) then stay shut. You can say some smart things but get off of your attack to never end.