One other thing on the power supply on the Final - as well as having separate regulation for 33 & 45 it also has a "torque control". There is definitely an optimum point for sound. With regards to the string drive I cant try a rubber belt as the pulley has a very narrow slot for the string. However the speed is much more stable with surgical silk than others I have tried. The Top Class Audio site has a detailed view of the bearing components and structure of the current Final TT. Its almost identical to mine. The top Melco's would be interesting to hear.
One other thing on the power supply on the Final - as well as having separate regulation for 33 & 45 it also has a "torque control". There is definitely an optimum point for sound. With regards to the string drive I cant try a rubber belt as the pulley has a very narrow slot for the string. However the speed is much more stable with surgical silk than others I have tried. The Top Class Audio site has a detailed view of the bearing components and structure of the current Final TT. Its almost identical to mine. The top Melco's would be interesting to hear.