Potential cartridge for a Kuzma rig

Hi Guys,

I'm presently using a Stabi S/Reference with an Eddie Current Phono Stage and a ZYX Bloom.

I really enjoy the cartridge, but would love to find a cart that brings me a little closer to the music (up to $1000).

Thanks guys, I always appreciate the fantastic advice I get here.

When Muse imported the Kuzma tables/arms, Kevin recommended Dynavector cartridges as particularly good matches. So you might look for your price point within their range.
Dynavector is recommended for just about anything as if there was nothing else. Frankly, there are not many for $1k new, used - that's another story.
The Shelter 501 Mk 2 is a very good match and within your price range.

Kuzma and Shelter dealer disclaimer.