MC loading at 47K

Hi All,

Just after some expert advice from your good selves if I may. My current system is as follows:

Musical Fidelity KW550 intergrated amp which has a MM and MC section, both loaded at 47K. The only difference between them is the step up voltage.

My turntable is the Rega P9 with Ortofon Kontrapunkt A.

Looking at changing my cartridge but honestly cant decide between MM or MC.

My music taste are as follows:

Female Vocal

No classical or jazz.

So what should I choose based I'm only limited to a 47K loading. I was thinking either of the below:

1. Ortofon Jubilee (MC)
2. Ortofon 2M black (MM)
3. Clear Audio Maestro (MM)

Is there a down side to loading up a MC so much?

Thoughts please...thanks
My experience with many different cartridges, and preamps over the years has been that I tend to prefer 47K loading for MC's. Anything much lower than that has usually (not always) made the cartridge unnaturally thick sounding, with loss of fine inner texture to the sound. As Audiofeil says, it is really a matter of personal taste in the context of your particular system. If your system tends to the bright/thin side, you will probably prefer a lower load value.

My experience as well with Titan i and others in the past.
HI All,

After a lot of switching around of loads I have settled in the 80Ohm or 100 Ohm setting. %0 ohm seem too thick and slow and 80-100 seemed spot on. As I went higher 200, 300, 400 and 500 Ohm the sound became more "shrilley for my likings". I prefer a more "meat on bones sound". At higher loadings the sound was a lot more detailed but to me more "harsh".

This is on my Kontrapunkt A cartridge which has a recommended loading of 50-500 Ohms.

Thanks again all.

I have the Benz Glider SM and have experimented with the loading using a Phonomena. FIRST of all I should mention that you should set the arm level or slightly lower at the back end and the playing weight correctly BEFORE you play with the loading. If you do not you end up trying to correct a VTA related issue with the cartridge loading!!!

The Benz spec sheet has a huge window from 200 ohms to 47K so obviously that is not much use. The 47K gives a lot of width but it falls down in complex passages of an orchestra you lose a lot of the individual instruments in a hodge-podge of sound. I ended up at 680 ohms. Lowering it beyond that thinned out the sound too much.
>>03-20-11: Stops
I ended up at 680 ohms. Lowering it beyond that thinned out the sound too much<<

That's rather odd.

In most cases lowering the value makes the presentation more thick, muddy, or congested.