upgrade phono stage ?

As a given, I buy from an audio dealer who accepts trade ins, and I must work with what is available.
I am thinking of either upgrading my Bias 2 cartridge to an Elys 2, or upgrading my NAD PP2 to a Rega Phono. It seems that an improvement in phono stage could pull more from the Bias 2 cartridge, whereas the cartride upgrade might not be as beneficial with the same NAD PP2 phonostage ?
Upgrade yr phono to a Whest 20 or Graham Slee for MM. Both much better than Rega.

The Dyna P75 is special only if used in conjunction with Dyna carts. With other makes of cart, they sound very ordinary.
>>01-05-11: Blue_starfish
The Dyna P75 is special only if used in conjunction with Dyna carts<<


There is nothing unique about the P-75 which makes it "special" with Dynavector cartridges. Some may prefer the combination while others may not.

It's purely subjective.

Dealer disclaimer
Musical Surroundings Nova or Nova Phonomena, the Phonomena is surprisingly good. Either used is a good deal!!!
If there is plenty of life in your cartridge then a phono upgrade would be my recommendation. However I agree with the above that get one that will last you a turntable upgrade. If it were me 2nd hand Lehman Black Cube, MS Phenomona or Ray Samuels Nighthawk would be great value. Everyone I know who has bought the Dynavector has on sold it in less than 12 months.