Thanks for all your valuable recommendations! Good stuff! I was tempted to go for the Cambridge Audio 640p new but then I saw a used NAD pp2 for 1/3 its price, I thought I might give it a try first and if I am not satisfied with it, the CA 640p would be the next upgrade. Since I am just starting out, I am very mindful of the cost. As for cartridge, I am starting with Grado Grey MM, and possibly much later a Shure M91 and if i want to try out MC, maybe a Benz Micro Ace MC or AT150? I am really not familiar with cartridges at the moment. What would u recommend for the Thorens TD-150 mk2? Budget under $100 first and move up the ladder later when I want to compare the SQ. I am aware that both MM and MC have quite different sound character, quite subjective, not necessarily MC is always better. Have to complement the TT and phono stage as well right? So far, my research into the analogue sound brought me to this understanding. Hope it is not too far from the truth!