Benz Ace S H or Dyna DV-20x2H

I would like to know which would be a better match for my JMW 9T on my Scout II with classic Aluminum platter, ring clamp and HRX center weight? I listen to everything but country and Rap. It would be nice to hear from people who have tried or listened to both.

Linkwitz Orion 3 speakers with matching ATI Amp,Phonomina II Phono stage

Thanks for the help
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I have a Benz Wood S medium output which I feel has a great soundstage, tracks very well and has a sweet sounding midrange. I had this cartridge on a Rega P3-24 and now on a TW-Acustic Raven One. This is my second Benz cartridge and would recommend them. I do not have any experience with this level of dynavector cartridges.
Low output being better sounding in general than high output MCs is just something that seems to be a consensus that I've picked up from reading various forums (I've only had a couple high output MCs, the other being a Dyna 10x5). Not sure how serious that should be taken.

I'm surprised 60dB was not enough gain for the AT33EV as that's the gain setting I use for my AT33PTG, but this is probably pre-amp/amp dependent.
To answer the tracking question, in my limited experience, price has little to do with tracking ability. One of my best trackers is the AT150. The AT33PTG tracks just as well as that one. The Benz Ace and Benz Wood track about the same as eachother, only OK compared to the ATs. If I recall correctly, the Dyna 20xl may have done a little better than the Benzes. This is with the SME 309 arm. Tracking was tested with the Hi-Fi News test record, but also by listening to inner groove performance with complex symphonic music. Now this may only be the case with the SME, but I think the point still stands about price vs. tracking ability.
Thanks for everyones suggestions. Maybe I could go with a medium output and split the differance if I decide on the Benz.