Vinyl lovers I must be crazy

I have been in the hobby for about 40 years and it seems that I enjoyed my simple system back in the 70's more than my high end system of today. My old system consisted of a receiver (sherwood, marantz) a basic turntable (later upgraded ro a B&O) and various speakers. My current system the cables cost 5 times the entire 70's system and the rest of the gear is top notch. I am not saying the 1970's system was better but I think I enjoyed it much better than today's system. The 70's system was a all vinyl system and my current system I strictly listen to Cd's. Is that the problem listening to CD's? For you vinyl lovers what do you think? For those that made the switch back to playing records are you listening more now? Enjoying your system more? What type of vinyl dollar outlay did it cost to reach vinyl nirvana?

Any feedback would be appreicated. Thanks!
03-23-11: Inna
From across the Atlantic at any hour. Orpheus10, this sounds strange to me, really.
Inna (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
No wonder your always suggesting overseas dealers. However you have the site marked as though your in the USA. It must need updated. Then your overseas recommendations will make more sense to other readers.
I am in the US. No, not always do I suggest overseas dealers. However, for some reason I don't like to pay one and a half or double price for the same thing just to feed a few more people who insist on that. I advocate a free trade, and that means free.
Post removed 
Well, after years of using cd's, I went back to analog, partially because of nostalgia and because most cd's simply hurt my ears. The harshness of digital was annoying to me. I purchased a used Dual tt and started to enjoy again. My theory was to invest as little as possible just in case it was a passing phase with me. That was my first mistake. Now four tt 's later, I'm quite happy with my Nottingham Horizon SE. The Notty is my main table with a Rega rb 250 that's modified and a Benz MC Gold . This entire tt investment was under $1500.00 and has brought back all the good sound I remembered and more because the quality is so much better. Had I bought my choice table in the first place, I likely would have saved some money.