1st song you remember???

OK, not a mindbender of a thread but a fun one.

The absolute first song I really heard and remembered
was the theme to Davey Crockett, which year...1954 or 55. I was either 4 or 5. 1st "rock" song: Blueberry Hill by Fats
Domino, 1955 or 56. I was at a friends house and he had a
much older brother who had this 45 record player playing
this song over and over. Funny how you remember things. By the way I did have a Davey Crockett coonskin cap with tail.
I'm sure that I remembered the lyrics to some early childhood songs (like "Baa Baa Black Sheep"), but the first song I am certain I remember was a novelty tune that hit the charts in around 1950, titled "Cincinnati Dancing Pig". My Dad, a career officer in the US Marine Corps, was at Ohio State University to finish his MS degree, and I recall hearing the song on the car radio a number of times.
"The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane" by the Ames Brothers, 1954. The family named our dog (black cocker) Shady after the song. I thought about "Davey Crockett" and "How Much Is That Doggy In The Window" too but believe this one is the first I remember. Judit, what was the first commercial song you remember? Nice thread.
The first song I really remember from my childhood was "We didn't start the fire" though I had no clue what it meant at the time I just knew I liked it. Who would have thunk that all those other words actually meant something.
SYLVIE By Harry Belafonte. Put Another Candle On Your Bithrday Cake from Sheriff John.
Last Kiss "There on the road, straight ahead, a car was stalled, its engine was dead, I couldn't stop, so I swearved to the right, I'll never forget the sound that night.... yada yada Yada.