1st song you remember???

OK, not a mindbender of a thread but a fun one.

The absolute first song I really heard and remembered
was the theme to Davey Crockett, which year...1954 or 55. I was either 4 or 5. 1st "rock" song: Blueberry Hill by Fats
Domino, 1955 or 56. I was at a friends house and he had a
much older brother who had this 45 record player playing
this song over and over. Funny how you remember things. By the way I did have a Davey Crockett coonskin cap with tail.
Since my mom dropped me on my head when I was a toddler & I had a fever of 105, my memory is very foggy as a little one. I remember sitting in our 1960 Dodge in the Bamberger's parking lot in New Jersey watching heat lighting & "Downtown" was on the radio. Or was it 1964 in Frankfurt, Germany, sitting in the same car? Just can't remember.
This from All Music Guide:
Gene Autry was more than a musician. His music, coupled with his careers in movies and on radio and television, made him a part of the mythos that has made up the American identity for the past hundred years — John Wayne with a little bit of Sam Houston and Davy Crockett all rolled into one.

The song I remember, "Back in the Saddle Again."

It is often said, "you had to of been there." He was on the radio before Bill Haley and the Comets or Elvis Presley. (And hey, I'm only in my 50's).
Oh, the shark, has pretty teeth, dear
and he shows them pearly white
Just a jackknife has MacHeath, babe
and he keeps it, out of sight...

The Bobby Darin version.
If anybody cares to look up one of my archived threads by clicking "Threads" next to my name below, in the music catagory under the title "In Search of Beatles Rock but not Pop", you can find my story (and a pretty neat one, I think) about the first song I remember (it's in my second post to the thread). Sorry folks, but the story's too involved for me to tell it over again here! :-)
Hey Zaikes, your thread wasn't listed under "threads" (might be under "answers") but a search turned it up so I took the liberty of copying the relevant portion for all to enjoy -- nice story.

"...permit me to tell a story about my first conscious exposure not only to The Beatles, but also to stereo equipment. Although my father was a classical and jazz record collector who frequently played music in the house during the evenings after dinner, when I was still young enough to go to bed before he started listening, his system and music never made much of an impression on me that I can remember, other than waking me up from time to time.

Back when I still had yet to receive the first little portable record player of my own, at a time when I would have been only 3 years old, my family (with me still as the only child) took the longest trip I had yet been on to see old friends of my father's. This couple had a son, who was probably in his late teens or early twenties at the time (my Dad remarried late) - the Summer of Love. He listened to headphones in their living room, and the sight of him with this contraption over his ears and long hair (remember how large 'phones were then? The coiled stretch cords?) apparently fascinated me.

He indicated he would put them on me and let me try them, and in one of my earliest memories at all of any kind, he got up and removed them from his head and placed them over mine, adjusting them as small as they would go. I didn't hear anything yet, but he went over to the record player and cued up something, which turned out to be the thing I had overheard him talking about with the assembled adults, and I recall hearing the phrase "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and not knowing what that meant. Apparently it - whatever it was - was something worthy of discussion however, and seemed be known (at least in name - my folks didn't listen to Rock) to everyone there but me.

Having cued the turntable, he walked back past me where I was on the middle of the floor, telling me that the music would begin in a moment, and turned to sit down and face me on the couch, in between his mother and my parents as they all watched and waited to see my reaction. Not knowing exactly what to expect, I was awestruck when sound so loud I could see the adults laughing but not hear them, filled my head to what seemed like the extent of the whole world.

It was a kind of music I had never experienced before, and it affected me greatly. "Picture yourself in a boat on a river...Marmalade skies...Kaliedescope eyes...Boom! Boom! Boom!" He had cued up "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds", and I was being thoroughly psychedelicized! I thought it was just the most incredible thing I had ever heard.

I have no memory myself of the next part of the story. I just remember listening, enraptured, until the headphones were removed and I could hear once again the adults for whom I was such a source of amusement. But my parents told me in later years that after the music began, and my eyes grew wide and my mouth went open, that I became so excited that I went and totally astonished them by literally turning a cartwheel right there on the carpet in front of the sofa, with the headphones still on me!

Now, understand - I do not know how to turn a cartwheel. I have never turned a cartwheel in my life, before or since that day. But I guess that there in that moment, hearing The Beatles for the first time, I was just moved so intensely by the spirit of the music that details like actually being able to perform this kind of stunt were rendered completely irrelevant. Anyway, it was, as they say, a very auspicious beginning to my future relationship with The Beatles and their music, and they have always been my favorite musical group ever since, and I'm sure always will be."