Recommended tube preamp with HT bypass?

Looking for advice on a new/used tube preamp with a bypass for about $2k. Current system is a McIntosh mc-202 amp, Canton Vento Ref 9 speakers, a VPI Classic with a Shelter 501, and a sonic frontiers SFP-1 sig phono preamp.

Vanity plays an equal part in my selection. I'd also like to add a little warmth to my system, but not overwhelming. And a remote is a must.

I've ruled out Audio Research (aesthetics), BAT (same) and Sonic Frontiers (too neutral). Here's what remains (in order of preference):

Conrad Johnson Premier 17ls
Primaluna Dialogue 3
Mac c2200
VAC Standard LE
Cary SLP-03
VTL 2.5
Mac c220
CJ pv-15
Cary SLP-2002
Aesthetix Calypso

I'm most intrigued by the Primaluna, but I'm open to hear opinions on any of these or others.
Thanks for all your responses. I think I'm taking the Aesthetix off the list after reading a few negative things about it (including reliability). I'm taking the Conrad Johnson PV-15 off as well as I think the premier 17LS is a better alternative.

Good to hear positive things about the VTL and the VAC. As for the remote on the VAC, volume is all I really care about.

Riley: Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not so sure about adding the Belles 21a to the list. Hard to find much info on it.

Chadnliz: I thought about foregoing the bypass feature, but I think the preamps listed would likely stand up well against any tube preamp in my price range. I'm all ears, of course, if you think otherwise. And being able to turn off the preamp while listening to HT makes it even more desirable to me. So thanks DTC - the Cary SLP-05 might have just inched up on the list...

Anyone familiar with the Primaluna or the CJ 17LS?
My comments were for the 05, not the 03. I am not sure if the 03 has the same feature. More, I wanted to point out what I find a useful feature. I would do some searching on the different 2 channels sounds from the varioius options. Do want a lush romantic sound or a tighter more analytic type sound? The range of sound can range pretty widely for company to company and piece to piece.
I'd like it to be a little on the warm side, but I don't want to stray too far from neutral. That's the main reason I'm aiming for a tube preamp to match with my SS amp.

The Cary SLP-05 is an amazing piece. It's just more than I'd like to spend, even on the used market. But Cary and CJ are known for that warm, lush sound which is why I had them high on my list.
Supratek preamps also have a HT bypass that works with the preamp off. Very nice feature for a tube preamp to have, so you don't burn out the tubes and run up the electric bill watching TV. I have a Chenin, by the way.