Suggestions on cartridge upgrade

Hi, I'm in the process of doing a few upgrades. I have an music hall MMF-7 table with the orignal goldring eroica cartridge. I also use a musical fidelity x-LPS phono stage.

I have mostly jazz, soft rock and some classical albums. I'm really enjoying my vinyl after a small hiatus.

So I've got a bit of upgrade-itis.

Any suggestions on a cartridge upgrade (say sub 1000) that would increase my enjoyment for the kinds of music i listen to.

Thanks Guys, I previously owned a dnyavector 10x4 and didn't care for it as much as the Eroica. How does it stack up with the 20XL and AT?

Ok. You don't like the Dynavector sound, but you do like the Goldring. I get the feeling you may be better off with an MM/MI cartridge. Can you tell us what it is you would like to improve? What is it about the sound you get now that you would like to improve on.
I tend to agree with the previous poster and also think that in fact you might want to upgrade your phono stage first and perhaps your turntable later. In any case, there may be no MC cartridge for you under $1k new worth upgrading to. AT and Dynavector have many followers, on the other hand many don't care much. I too don't care much about 10x5 on my Spacedeck/Spacearm but can't figure out yet what to get instead. Was thinking about Shelter 301 or 501, but it appears that they don't do bass well. I may actually try Goldring 1042 MM and see how I like it. It's about $300 from UK dealers. Generally, I have the impression that one has to spend a lot on MC to get it right, much more than $1k for a new one. And some people just don't like MCs feeling that they don't really have enough substance, weight and coherence. I could be one of them, so could you.
That's a tough question to answer. I do love the sound of vinyl, and i guess i'd like to keep that very sweet sound while getting better articulation/separation and placement of instruments, especially in classical music.
My current cartridge is moving coil, and I do like it's sound, will MM give me better articulation and separation of instruments? I guess I thought the moving coils were mostly farther down on the quality curve...