Ideal SUT for Lyra Olympos cartridge?

I have a Lyra Olympos on a Graham Phantom arm and like this combination alot. I am looking for the SUT that can best match this cartridge. I've got a rather inexpensive Cinemag which simply doesn't highlight the attricutes of this cartridge at all. Price aside, what would fellow Goners suggest and where to get it. Auditorium, Express, Shindo, looking for some meat on the bones type of sound and hopefully some flexibility for future carts.
Dear DertonarM: With T_bone " permission " ( I hope. ).

As always when you are only " bluffing " ( almost all the time. ) you don't have any answer any true and precise answers.

I knew you was only " catching " your " black cat " showing your knowledge-ignorance level in that regard.

Regards and enjoy the music,
The ideal SUT for the Olympos? - that was the initial question, wasn't it?
Simple and straight answer: a SUT with a primary matching the inductance of the Olympos' coil source inductance.
Further look out for maximum bandwidth (= lowest phase shift) and frequency extension especially in the low register.

Can you explain this a bit more clearly. I am having a hard time understanding your logic since your first statement directly contradicts your second.

I would expect the coils source inductance to be in the micro-henry range and if the SUT primary matched that not only would it be 6dB down to start, the 2-4 ohm DCR would swamp it and I would be surprised to see anything that resembles the input waveform * turns ratio at the secondary.

Furthermore if you desire low end bandwidth, your SUT primary inductance has to be several multiples of the cartridge output impedance which is for the most part determined by the copper losses in the coils (DCR)

Dear Dave, a "matching primary" doesn't mean at all that it's the same inductance. We are talking about SUT - ergo: (S)tep (U)p (T)ransformer.
Not step down nor 1:1.
If you are in SUTs a bit - which I presume you are .. - you know very well what I meant and what is in general technically meant by "matching inductance".
"I'm using a Shindo Vosne Romanee phono which is on board and of the MM type."
Frontier 1, Did you try the Olympos direct in to the VR's
MC input. I would guess that if your V-R has an MC input, that you have. You may want to talk to Dave Slagle, who posted here earlier. I have heard very good things about his
custom built SUT's. FWIW, I have the Choir Hashimoto H-7,as Br3098 mentioned.It has a Lo/High Impedance setting,and sounds great in my setup. I can't say how it would work w/ your Lyra though.