Dear Dertonarm: +++++ " A FV-diagram will clarify the topic. " +++++
imho THE TOPIC IS IF A NAKED tt SOUNDS BETTER OR WORST THAN A PLINTHED ONE. Till today the ones that already tested the naked option reported a better quality performance level against the plinthed one.
Please let us know how that FV-diagram can tell us the same: IF A PLINTHED TT SOUNDS BETTER OR WORST THAN A NAKED ONE.
Please don't put " clouds " on your answer or take other topics be precise and specific, no more retoric.
A second question: THAT " fv-DIAGRAM " has ears? how good are ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
regards and enjoy the music,
imho THE TOPIC IS IF A NAKED tt SOUNDS BETTER OR WORST THAN A PLINTHED ONE. Till today the ones that already tested the naked option reported a better quality performance level against the plinthed one.
Please let us know how that FV-diagram can tell us the same: IF A PLINTHED TT SOUNDS BETTER OR WORST THAN A NAKED ONE.
Please don't put " clouds " on your answer or take other topics be precise and specific, no more retoric.
A second question: THAT " fv-DIAGRAM " has ears? how good are ?
Thank you in advance for your answer.
regards and enjoy the music,