A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Banquo et al, Of course there will be an "improvement" when you go to the bigger feet. This stuff has become so subjective and so uncontrolled (in the scientific sense) that there is a huge placebo effect. If you are prepared to like it, and if your turntable does not actually fall to the ground, then you will like it. This is in no way meant as an insult to you personally. It's just a part of this crazy hobby.

Conversely, by the very fact that I am not prepared to like it, I probably would not like it. It cuts both ways. Now I will retreat to my bomb-proof shelter.
I agree totally with Atmasphere - there is always a "plinth" ( in the sense of a common ground for bearing and armpod/armbase/armboard ), even if it is not always apparent as such ...;-) .... so, - sorry to burst some bubbles here - it is never really "nude" .....
After all it is still audio....
Dear Lewm: So, that's means that all you own in your system were a placebo like where things are you were ready/prepare to like it? or it is only the " humor " you wake up today?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Atmasphere: Yes, that could be a " plinth " but that is not the subject here but the TT naked it self .

In this same thread I posted that we always can hang on the TT from the ceiling and now what : the ceiling is the " plinth ".?
The subject is way different.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Rauliruegas, OK let's go with that for a moment. You hang it from the ceiling- where is the tonearm? Hanging also? On a separate string? Obviously *that* is not going to work...

So, you have to connect them together somehow so the sacred geometry is maintained. And that is just so tracking errors are minimized. So how are you going to do that?? A platform? Now the signature of the platform is the signature of the system. You could use some sort of bar or strut to hold things, again, any signature in them will be heard.

So the model does not seem to hold up.