Thanks for your suggestions and I will look into having a heavy arm column produced that may work better with the spiked option. The weight limitations with the Mambo column could be where the problems lie and it'll be fun (and, hopefully, rewarding) to try this out. I'll let you know as soon as I can sort this out.
On the issue about both the TT and arm tower being on spikes I think Chris has hit the nail on the head. If you are seeking complete isolation, the different methods are secondary. The question resides in how effective both methods are at controlling resonance and vibration.
Henry, if you get a chance to try out the AT616 footers you might be surprised - I was. This also offers you the potential to truly decouple arm-column and TT, which was where I came in, as it were. Lewm, I hope that answers your scenario.
Thanks for your suggestions and I will look into having a heavy arm column produced that may work better with the spiked option. The weight limitations with the Mambo column could be where the problems lie and it'll be fun (and, hopefully, rewarding) to try this out. I'll let you know as soon as I can sort this out.
On the issue about both the TT and arm tower being on spikes I think Chris has hit the nail on the head. If you are seeking complete isolation, the different methods are secondary. The question resides in how effective both methods are at controlling resonance and vibration.
Henry, if you get a chance to try out the AT616 footers you might be surprised - I was. This also offers you the potential to truly decouple arm-column and TT, which was where I came in, as it were. Lewm, I hope that answers your scenario.