The point of weighing down the armpod is to couple it to the surface below (which in turn should couple it better to the TT). Putting separate AT616s under the table and the armpod separately negates the effect of adding on the weight to the armpod. At least in the SNL case the rabbi and baby were 'coupled' to the same backseat. Your proposed method suggests the rabbi is better off leaning through a window of another car alongside. If it were me (and it is not), I would suggest putting all four footers below a rigid layer to which both TT and pod are coupled.
Your method may work in practice, but it will limit the improvement you get and increase distortion in other ways. First, if you put ONLY the TT on 616s and leave the armpod spiked, AND that is an improvement, it indicates the footers worked. If only the armpod was on footers, and the table were not, and that also improved things, either you have a separate component-led problem to the first one or you have the same problem of resonance coming into everything from below. If your tonearm is resonating, you need to fixt that separately. If it is resonance from below, you want your tonearm and table on the same decoupling platform or the different load presented by armpod and table vis-a-vis their respective isolations will cause weird distortions.