A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Very nice review Dgob – kinda makes use wish you had your sp10 back Banquo ?

I have been using the AT-616’s for a couple of weeks. I was able to make my ET 2.5 arm fit by raising it to its highest point and using higher spikes.


The 616’s adjustability makes leveling of the sp10 platter very easy. For those familiar with the ET 2.5 ensuring the air bearing arm is level is even easier – laser guided or regular level not required.

I still believe the key to the improvement was and this is gut feel only 75% isolated armboard and 25% getting the sp10 out of its plinth. Isolating and mass loading the armboard I feel was key.

Dear Dgob – you listened to your setup with the armboard attached to the naked sp10 first – it improved the sound sure – but wasn’t the bigger jump in quality getting the armboard isolated and mass loaded ?

Any thoughts on this.

Cheers Chris
Dear Ct0517: I think that you could be right about that " isolated " subject. As you I can't be sure.

regards and enjoy the music,
I still believe the key to the improvement was and this is gut feel only 75% isolated armboard and 25% getting the sp10 out of its plinth. Isolating and mass loading the armboard I feel was key.
I have the same gut feel.
The isolated and heavy arm boards I believe, are a revelation.

Sorry but just a quick follow up. Did you try the arm tower on your fourth AT616 and, if so, what was the outcome?


I'm not altogether certain. Moving the Technics onto the AT616s made an immediate difference to staging, pitch and tone. However, isolating and mass-loading the armboard definitely enhanced these gains and brought about the full potential that I've pointed to above.

AS you'll recall from my earleir comments, one of my key interests was to see if the isolation/decoupling of turntable from armboard and plinth would reap rewards. It now seems beyond doubt to me that such isolation offers a huge step forward.