Dear Lewn - you can have the most precise and accurate platter/motor assembly - but once you put that crude piece of vinyl on top with all its imperfections - all bets are off.
I have found through this approach that all you want the platter/motor to do is maintain correct speed and drain its own resonances.
Once the isolated (armpod, tonearm, cartridge, stylus) picks up that signal from the vinyl - its on its own merry way and says bye bye to the platter in a continuing cycle.
If your tonearm is mounted on the same platform as your platter/motor, you need to ensure your system is able to deal with the returning vibrations/resonances from the tonearm. Hence we have some very elaborate systems as a ways of doing this.
This is too complicated and cumbersome and $$$ for me and the reason I like the simple isolated armpod approach. Once my armpod gets rid of resonances, the last thing I want is the resonances returning to play havoc.
Sorry for not presenting this in a more scientific way for some of the members here but this is what I understand to be happening.
We break that resonance loop with the isolated armpod.
The members here using this approach have heard the difference between the two.
I have found through this approach that all you want the platter/motor to do is maintain correct speed and drain its own resonances.
Once the isolated (armpod, tonearm, cartridge, stylus) picks up that signal from the vinyl - its on its own merry way and says bye bye to the platter in a continuing cycle.
If your tonearm is mounted on the same platform as your platter/motor, you need to ensure your system is able to deal with the returning vibrations/resonances from the tonearm. Hence we have some very elaborate systems as a ways of doing this.
This is too complicated and cumbersome and $$$ for me and the reason I like the simple isolated armpod approach. Once my armpod gets rid of resonances, the last thing I want is the resonances returning to play havoc.
Sorry for not presenting this in a more scientific way for some of the members here but this is what I understand to be happening.
We break that resonance loop with the isolated armpod.
The members here using this approach have heard the difference between the two.