A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Ct0517, got it, sorry i did not think of my ET-2 cause this is such a perfect installation on the Naka I will not change it anyway. My plinth at the moment is not designed for a linear tracker and I do have so many other tonearms lying around - also need some clearance now...
of course this could be agood match!!!

Best & Fun Only - Thuchan
Dear Corby, many thanks for this good hint. Will follow your suggestion

Best & Fun Only - Thuchan
Dear Lewm, yes - I bought a very good MK II motor unit in a very modest plinth. I would not say it is a master piece. I will let build a new one made of plywood, not a very extravagant solution but carefully handcrafted.

Best & Fun Only - Thuchan
Dear Thuchan, If you find that you enjoy the SP10 MkII but would like to get more out of it, you might consider the Panzerholz plinth made by Albert Porter, the Steve Dobbins treatment (removes the motor assembly from the chassis, etc) or a slate plinth. All 3 are above the rest of the plinth crowd, apart from some homebrews possibly. And then too, since you posted here on this thread, there is the no-plinth option.
Dear Thuchan: +++++ " And then too, since you posted here on this thread, there is the no-plinth option. " ++++++

yes, do you already thinked about?, one alternative does not preclude try the other.

regards and enjoy the msuic,