Raul, It's a bit of a secret, but I am on to a way of modifying the input of the Sound Lab so as to render it quite nice for my OTLs and anyone else's tube amps, as well. This is a collaboration among several Sound Lab users who prefer OTLs and/or tubes. To take a page from your book, I can't say any more than that right now, but I am listening to a primitive form of the final solution, and it is already a big improvement. I agree, the OEM Sound Lab is built for high power solid state amps, but it does not have to be that way.
OTLs are fine when driving a high impedance load. "Damping Factor", a term that SS amplifier makers love to bandy about, is a non-issue with ESLs. An ESL speaker does not develop a back EMF that needs to be opposed by a very low output impedance amplifier. In any case, Z at very low frequencies is very very high with an ESL. High enough to constipate many solid stage amps and to be ideal for OTLs.