A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Is that gold or polished brass? I tended to think it was the latter. Don't know the identity of the artist, but I am not curious, either.
Dear Lewm/Thuchan: The 150K on this TT is no different from amplifiers on that price range and those amplifiers looks more deceptive than this Onedof.

Could an audio item justify 150K+ price tag?, certainly it can. Could any one of us justify those 150K+ in an audio item?, again certainly yes.

On one side there are a lot of hidden work on an honest audio item design during the research on that design and during its different kind of tests ( scientific or subjective. ), I'm speaking in general and not taking in count each step on that audio design, as a result all these kind of main work depend on the designer's skills and how " unique " and ambitious are his targets. Many times these main work takes not months but in some cases years of hard work because it is not only that the designer already has the design " finished " but the whoile project has several " stages " and each one represent research and tests, example: Aleks choosed aluminum 6061T6, do you think this was at random or just comparing through internet? , certainly not as Aleks posted he made analysis and I assume against other materials.
This is only an example but like this design/build audio item stage there are a lot more that ask for the same quality of researcg and tests proccess.
Now, it is not only that the design can fulfil designer targets ( mechanical, electrical or the like. ) but that the design can fulfil customer expectatives for the price tag.

In the past corporation like Mathusita-Panasonic took 9-10 engineers and given to design/build the Technics SP-10 or the EPC-100CMK4 and this corporation not only gives the task but gives them all and any kind of resources to acomplish the product.
Please ask Aleks or almost any today audio item designer where are all those human, tools and $$$$ to fulfil his design: there is almost no one resource other than the designer positive " emotion " and stand alone skills. In many ways the today audio items designers works as artesans more than as a corporate " figure ".
Yes, some way or the other money has to fluence to these kind of manufacturers.

Hopw can we think that this or that high price tag audio item is worth that price?, only when we hear/heard in our system against other similar audio products or in any other controled environment audio system.

Till this moment I give Aleks the dude benefit. We all are not rookies and I don't think Aleks target through that Onedof was to deceit us, I think is very difficult to deceit people with audio/music deep experiences like all of you: so the Onedof could have " something " to say on playback.

Regards and enjoy the music,
The interesting parts for me and this thread are his remarks about the self-standing tonearm towers. At least with his design, he seems unconcerned about the arguments against them. Furthermore, when he writes, "In any case tonearm and platter would never be resonating coherently because they are so different in shape and acoustic response" I take that to imply that rigid coupling of tt and tonearm via a plinth does not offer the advantages that some on this thread claim for it--or at least that what Aleks believes.

I wish someone would comment on the other technical assertions he made in his emails and on his website. They strike me as substantive enough to merit a conversation (as opposed to useless sarcastic remarks). They are not ad copy, that's for sure. He made a claim about the bearing design being novel and some quickly dismissed it--what now?

Of course, all this technical stuff is distinct from the quality of the sound, as he himself says in his email.

Thucan: what are you talking about? If by 'messenger' you mean me, then I should say that I never heard of Onedof until I saw Halcro's link above. I certainly have no financial relationship with them. I should disclose however that if he were to offer me that turntable for free I wouldn't turn him down :).
Dear Banquo363: Thank you again, very enlightly.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul,
i have one advantage if you let me put it into these words. I have seen and listened to this turntable. So pls. take your chance and convince yourself in Denver. Then let's continue this discussion. Okay?

best & fun only