A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Halcro, Geez I pushed a button there and shouldn't have, I apoligize.

All good points. I'll say it again, the idea wasn't presented as a do all end all pod and thought you took it to the extreme for what it was. Other than that I apreciate your input.

Dear all, I must admit that - for the very first time in any thread on Audiogon I have participated in - it is much more fun just standing by and watching ....
from a distance,
Oh c'mon D,
You know you're dying to chime in?
High-mass platters anyone?
Hi Henry,
won't disappoint you.... ;-) .. it's not high mass or not ..... it is applied physics or not.
This shouldn't be about what we like or not, but what is necessary to achieve a certain result.
We may not always like the path of physic ( can be cruel, expensive, heavy, ugly - extend at wish ..), but physic doesn't care whether we like it or not.