I sometimes wonder if physics isn't a little like a guess who always arrives late to the party! For example, different materials and weights of headshells on different tonearms create very noticeable differences in performance of different cartridges. The link between tonearm, headshell and specific cartridges therefore seems to be a relationship whose success can only be found by a 'try-it-and-see' approach. That physics can then be applied to infer why a certain relationship works is interesting but (as was once famously misapplied) it seems a 'necessary but not sufficient' condition in determining such selections.
As always...
I sometimes wonder if physics isn't a little like a guess who always arrives late to the party! For example, different materials and weights of headshells on different tonearms create very noticeable differences in performance of different cartridges. The link between tonearm, headshell and specific cartridges therefore seems to be a relationship whose success can only be found by a 'try-it-and-see' approach. That physics can then be applied to infer why a certain relationship works is interesting but (as was once famously misapplied) it seems a 'necessary but not sufficient' condition in determining such selections.
As always...