A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Thuchan: When some one say: " I like it " " I don't like it ", any opportunity to go on is out: subjective answers almost always dtermine the end of the subject discussion and that's what you did and that's what you do almost all the time. Nothing wrong with that.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Nikola, " a few months" is everything starting with 3 ........ this is such an utterly unimportant part of history that I dared not to file it in specific ...;-) ...
The important thing was the conclusion drawn - not the specific date on which it occurred.
Dear Thuchan, have fun .... sometimes even old and strange windmills have a charm of their own.
Best and fun all the way,
BTW RMAF is over. Did anyone listen to the Onedof player? what are your impressions?

best @ fun only
seems the Onedof was not a mayor focus point at RMAF 2011.

Did anyone see big inventions on the turntable design recently?

best @ fun only