I do however maintain, that absolute level of platter and tonearms is pretty important.
Analog reproduction (or better, superior analog reproduction) is based on precision. And knowledge what-is-responsible-for-what. Our times are modern, "something" is offered and when there is a good review about it, that's the absolution, no matter how mediocre it is in reality.
Marketing replaced brain and Analog is unfortunately THE example par excellence for it.
The real problem today - imo - is, that a customer has to rethink the design, to control some parameters... it isn't his task. He pays some money and relies that he gets something serious. Level Armboards, round platters... do not need NASA science, but it is the profit that counts today. Not for every manufacturer, some try to do a real good job (and they do) but would you accept a car which drifts always a little bit to the left side, and the manufacturer/dealer will tell you "Hey. come one, thousands of happy customers and you are the only one who is so picky...lower tire pressure on the right side"