Maple platform under turntable, How thick?

Hi. I am thinking about getting this to put my Nottingham Spacedeck on. How thick? What to put under the platform? Brass cones? Boston Audio footers? Something else?
The platform will be on the hardwood floor, no rack.
Any thoughts?
I have used a 3" one from Michigan Maple Block; good and not expensive. I have used Star Sound brass cones and FIM ball bearing saucers. [Dealer Disclamer]. FIM platforms show up on used on occasion and are usually good deals. These both work but do not sound the same. There are many on the market and most are effective to one degree or another, I doubt if anyone has tried them all. If anyone has they have WAAAAY too much time on their hands.
I've tried numerous blocks/slabs, cones, points, ect. My SSM sounds best on a slab of granite with BDR cones (4) on each corner. Cones $10 each / granite slab $70 / $110 and well worth every penny ..........
Would look like kind of cemetery.
To clarify one thing. The woofers of my speakers are way above the floor level, and I get least vibration near the floor so all of my equipment is right down there.