Anti skating SME V

I am using my SME20/2A with a Dynavector XV-1s cartridge and it sounds good.

I have a question though. The cartridge tend to skip a bit (towards the spindle) when lowered on the run-in groove.
I have tried to set the anti skating to maximum (3) and this helps, but doesn't eliminate the problem. I have to be most careful when lowering the arm to avoid skipping. I also found that playing a bit with the position of the din-connection, turning it anti clockwise seen from the top, might have helped (not sure), but did not eliminate the problem either. Is there a special position for this connection that is preferable? Will the position of the cable affect the anti skating in any way? I have tried to lower the cartridge on a blank record and the arm goes quite fast towards the spindel even with max anti skating (never experience this problem on my Dynavector arm). I know this is not the correct way to set anti skating, but it should give an indication.


Thanks for the clarification. I always thought that the V series was one of the few with a fixed headshell.

Thanks a lot Dougdeacon and Peterayer, this was great reading.

Audioquest4life: You can get the SME V with a detachable headshell. This will make the arm less rigid of course, but the advantage is you can adjust aziumth (and take of the headshell when mounting a cartridge). Here are som pictures,21378.660.html
Hi, that table looks like a 20/12 and a 312s arm in the photo...however I can't see the model #....
Hello Jfrech. That's just the angle, it's a standard SME 20/2 with SME V-Detachable.
HI, you're right. I saw the 3rd pic and that kinda looks like a 20/12 but the platter is off...making it appear wider...thanks