How can I fix this Phono Stage problem

I have a McIntosh C2200 preamp, Mcintosh MC 402 amp, and VPI Classic turntable with Dynavector 20XH cartridge. I just bought a Canary Audio CA-430 phono stage for this system. The problem is that when I use the CA-430 in the MC setting everything works fine, but when I change the CA-430 to the MM setting I hear a loud buzzzzzzzzz coming from both speakers. I checked all my connection, grounding, and interconnect but the buzzzzzzzz does not go away when in the MM setting. Is there anyone out there with the same problem? Do you have any idea how to fix this problem?
The 20XH is a high output moving coil designed for use with a moving magnet phono stage and loaded at 47K ohms. Do not use on the moving coil setting as Dill suggests.

Are you running the Canary into a line input (correct) or phono input (incorrect) of the Mac C2200?

Dealer disclaimer.
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Thank for your reply.
I think the CA-430 is causing a ground-loop. I took off the connection from the TT to the CA-430 and the buzzzz stop. Then then I tried a cheater plug on the CA-430 but that still did not stop the buzzzzz. I have an old Mcintosh C39 preamp in another system and when I plug in the TT and the CA-430 into that system everything worked fine, including the MM setting on the CA-430. But when I return to my primary system with the C2200 I am getting the buzzzzz once more. How can I get rid of the groung-loop. I know that some people don't recommend using cheeter plug, but so far that has not work to get rid of the buzzzzzzzz from the system.

I am running the Canary CA-430 into the C2200 phono/Aux input. I have used that input with several phonostages including Modwright, Graham Slee and SAP. But I did not get any ground loop problem like now. And I have always use the Dynavector 20XH high output MC cartridge with the phonostage set in the MM setting for this cartridge. Are you suggesting that I use one of the other line input (tape, CD, DVD,etc.) instead of the Phono/Aux on the C2200 preamp?
Yes, input the Canary into another line input other than the phono/aux and see if that ends the buzz.