Dead Can Dance New LP "into the labrynth"

Does anyone have this new music fidelity pressing? Awesome to say the least, however on Track 3 on side one, "the wind that shakes the barley" I notice only on certain dynamic volume increases the recording sounds as though it was a little "hot" in the vocals? In other words I hear a ever so slight distortion for a split second no matter what volume level I listen to this track at. Could I have a bad pressing or do you think it's simply so resolving, it's coming through via the remaster? Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.
I have heard that the Mofi is very good. I'd love to have the 4AD but this title commands some big prices. Guess I'll "settle" for the mofi. ;-)
This is probably a cartridge/arm Compliance issue. I had the same problem with a stone Koetsu, when I used the standard counterweight on the arm. When I put the heavier counterweight the song on the a.m. LP was flawless, no tracking issues at all.

If you know your arm mass, check the compliance with the Cartridge Resonance Evaluator on the VinylEngine.
good input from everyone, thanks. for the record, I have a Rega P5 with an ortofon 2M black cartridge, not yet broken in (about 25hours on it) all fed through a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum int amp with MM onboard phono pre amp. I will check the cart compliance to arm weight and post as I have no idea what is ideal. Was told by Music Direct, that the 2M black was a great cart for the RB 700 arm, but no detials regarding compliance.
I have both the 4AD and the new MoFi Silver pressing, and do not hear what the OP is reporting, on my copy.

I think the MoFi is pretty close to "as good as" the original 4AD. In my listening to both in the last few days, I think there may be a little more deep bass in the Mofi.

Have any of you bought "Spiritchaser" from Mofi as well?