Emotiva XDA-1 DAC?

Can anyone offer any feedback on the Emotiva XDA-1 DAC? It looks to have great features for the price but I was wondering the sound quality(?). I would simply audition one but they are only taking reservations at present ...
hi emotiva lounge has the first users[ as you mentioned they are taking orders] of this as it is a site for users of emotiva gear. i also have emotiva gear but already bought a mf v-dac so i,m set. reviews are strong so far and it has flexibility of inputs plus you can use it directly to an amp because it has a remote control and variable volume[ i have read you have to be careful about matching inputs so it doesn,t come on too loud]. there are some specific questions about specs you may want to explore also. for 300 bucks it probably works pretty well. they also offer a moneyback guarantee so if you can wait you could listen to one in your system...
Thanks Hotmailjbc, I have browsed the Emotiva lounge fairly thoroughly but didn't find much of use there. Can you point me to the reviews you mention?