VPI Aries versus VPI Classic

I've been told by a couple of dealers that the VPI classis outperforms the Aries. My Aries is about 10 years old and had a retail price of 3800.00. A classic has a retail of of 2700.00. Adjusted for Inflation my table if it was still being made would be close to 5000.00 in todays money. So does the Classic really out perform the Aries?
I have owned both (but now neither), and was able to play them side-by-side with the same cartridge for some months. To my ears, it was no contest - the Aries 1 (w/ the original heavy platter) was the better of the two, by a large margin.

I was surprised because the Aries was using the original JMW 10" arm and the Classic (now the Classic 1) using the 10.5i. Here's my short list:
- slightly darker, warmer, more "depth", better bass
- was quieter. Deeper black background
- better speed stability w/o SDS. No advantage with SDS
- JMW 10 arm does not track as well as 10.5i, but OTF VTA adjustment is a big advantage
- was better built and finished, IMHO

Classic (now Model 1):
- more neutral sounding, slightly more detailed
- smaller, so fits better on most racks
- more attractive (arguably)

I did not use a clamp on the Classic - don't like them. Cartridges used were Grado The Reference, Shelter 501 MkII (both stereo & mono), Soundsmith "The Voice", Dynavector 20x. Music was a large collection of jazz, classical, opera and female vocalists.

I am not claiming that this is definitive. These are just a summary of my results from my own testing, and with my own ears. YMMV
Br 3098,

I think your description of the Aries is 100% correct. It's funny how the dealers I have talked too say the classic is better. Maybe they have never compared them side by side.
Well, everyone has different taste. Or, as the cannibal said "everyone tastes different!"

Certainly, dealers have an interest in promoting what they have to sell now, as opposed to many years ago. And, frankly, if it were me and I was listening to a Classic every day; would I really remember what an Aries 1 sounded like? Who has that much audio memory?