MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge

I'm embarrassed to say that after owning a ClearAudio Maestro cart for only a month, I had a mishap and damaged the stylus. It's gonna cost $600 to get it replaced. Does anyone have any better suggestions as far as a better cart for the $$, or is this the best for this price range? Also, what are the advantages to a MC cart? I'm just getting back into LP's and have not done the research. Besides, I trust your opinions more than reviews. I will have the opportunity to buy up, so now would be the time to go to a MC cart. Will I have to have a step-up transformer? My phono stage is an Audio Research PH-3 SE.
Audiofeil, sounds like your mad at somebody. How about mentioning some of your current MM favorites, by current I mean I can still buy new now, not used. We have 4,000 posts on old MM/MI elsewhere. In my case preferably something you may think would work with a heavier mass arm. I have this Jelco 750 sitting around that I would like to try a MM/MI on. I have a few lighter headshells to bring the mass down a bit.
Not mad.

Dogs get mad, people get angry.

Not angry either, just emphatic regarding the old wives' tale that moving coils are superior to moving magnet/iron cartridges.

You can private email me to discuss specifics.

IMO, you're making a mistake by not considering used cartridges. Simply look for a member with a good track record and feedback.
I am about the same age as Bill and started around the same time and have been a dealer on and off for about 40 years. The big difference between us is that I know what I like and he knows what EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD LIKE. Some like MMs and some MCs; listen for yourself and make up your own mind. Statements like "all moving coils under $1200 are bad compared to MMs" are worth just exactly what you would expect them to be worth.
From what I can get it appears that in many cases it makes no sense to choose any high output moving coil over MM. and better low output moving coils are another story. But at what price? I am not going to put a cartridge that costs more than turntable itself or even more than tonearm.
But let's also factor in that many cartridges seem to be overpriced and some underpriced. And also, some of the best MMs are quite expensive too.
Here is a wild assumption. MMs will sound their best on unsuspended tables, they like a rough ride.
Stan, our ages are the only similarity we share.

I know the subject matter.

There are people who've been driving for 50 years and don't know anything about automobiles.

So it is with you and audio.

Bring you moving coils here.

The crow is hot and steamy.

I'll even serve you a second helping.