MM Cartridge or MC Cartridge

I'm embarrassed to say that after owning a ClearAudio Maestro cart for only a month, I had a mishap and damaged the stylus. It's gonna cost $600 to get it replaced. Does anyone have any better suggestions as far as a better cart for the $$, or is this the best for this price range? Also, what are the advantages to a MC cart? I'm just getting back into LP's and have not done the research. Besides, I trust your opinions more than reviews. I will have the opportunity to buy up, so now would be the time to go to a MC cart. Will I have to have a step-up transformer? My phono stage is an Audio Research PH-3 SE.
I have just received an email from you know who accusing me of personal cowardice. How interesting! Is this intended to make me jump on a plane and travel to the rock under which he resides? I had thought physical confrontation had gone out of style; especially for those of us of advancing years. Perhaps not, AUDIO CAGE DEATH MATCH! We can sell it to ESPN 112. I am on if he is. One thing I will not do is to offer to knock the **** out of him, I don't have that long to live.
Nandric, I took your meaning to be that my conviction that cheaper MCs work well as arising from sour grapes that I could't afford expensive ones. The joke part arises from a glance at the absolutely indefensible amount of money I do have in equipment, even buying used and as a dealer. IF I really thought that ,say, $3000 would buy a SIGNIFICANTLY better cartridge I would probably spend it; $100K? No way but I am glad they are out there so we have something to aim at.
Basically, everyone is insecure, so please stop that, both of you. Let us enjoy a civilized discussion.
Hey Stanwal and Audiofeil.....In the interest of world peace and creating a better planet, can you guys please kiss and make up ? Let's all learn to play nicely together in the same sandbox.
I doubt it; I just got the following message:

No you won't Stan.

You want no part of a physical confrontation. I'm in far better shape than you. You have no idea what you'd be getting into.

Be that as it may, if you really want a shot at the title my address is

9405 Meriul Lane
Clarence Center, New York

I'll get an open room at my gym or I can reserve some time at my judo studio.

That's it. No more talk, yapping, or insults.

He doubtless is in much better shape, I have an irregular heart beat which limits my own exercise; nevertheless, I still do not respond kindly to physical threats or the mentality which offers them. I also spent 3 years in NYC and learned that residents there are quite different from us Midwesterners in trumpeting their abilities. I'll tell you what Bill, why don't you work your way west punching out all the other guys you don't like; by the time you get here I will probably have passed on anyway.