Emotiva XDA-1 DAC?

Can anyone offer any feedback on the Emotiva XDA-1 DAC? It looks to have great features for the price but I was wondering the sound quality(?). I would simply audition one but they are only taking reservations at present ...
I've had the XDA-1 for a few months now and I absolutely love it. I have it in a minimalist computer audio setup listening to 24/96 and 24/192 files from HDtracks.com. The XDA-1 directly drives our trusty Adcom GFA-535 MK II via LAT international silver interconnects. The Adcom is directly driving a pair of Pioneer bookshelf speakers. The sound is, quite frankly, breathtaking and free of fatigue. I can and have listened to music over this setup for hours at a time and have been completely enthralled. The remote is solid and built like a tank. The display is beautiful and classy. The entire unit looks like something which should cost $1,000. Emotiva really has outdone themselves with this piece of gear. It has a very high wife approvement factor and the simplicity of use is appreciated. The XDA-1 negates the need for a preamp so if you truly want a simple and clean setup then this is your best choice.

Heartily recommended!
I just got mine. I give it a thumbs up, although the only things I've had to compare it to are the internal DACs of the receivers and Pre/Pros that I've had. I'm now listening to the best quality music I've ever heard in my home.

Ignorance is bliss, since I don't know any better.

In any case, I'm using mine as a pre amp for all of my digital sources, to include a CD player, DVD, Apple TV and Sonos. It works fine, very fine, as a pre amp.

My only gripe, if I can call it that, is that the minimum volume is maybe a little too loud. It goes from nothing right to a low listening level, that may not be low enough for night time listening when everyone else is asleep. Still, the previous concerns of not having enough control over the volume have been remedied. The volume control is not unlike that of an infinitely variable knob. You can hold the volume button down and the level increases on a very gradual slope.

I like it and I think I'll keep it for now.