Dear Thom_mackris, indeed, this is rather the fine print in tonearm alignment is may already be well beyond what a good portion of the analog department want to muse or think about.
I just wanted an instrument which provides the best possible universal alignment results with super simple handling and comfortable feeling.
I will continue to design a few devices which will nicely work with and are based upon the UNI-Pro.
A super precise and truly new P2S-measuring tool will be introduced end this month. This will come together with an easy goniometer to determine offset-angle fast, easy and precise.
I am considering this rather an add-on of interest only for a few dedicated audiophiles who really want to study the subject.
Furthermore - also end this month - there will be a special USB-microscope w/strong cold light to be used with the UNI-Pro and which can be exchanged with the magnifier and uses the same cut-out frame on the UNI-Pro's main frame as the magnifier.
This will allow magnification 20x to 200x (similar to the Dino-lite) and will come with all features, adjustable and with software for Linux, Windows and Mac.
Plug and play within 10 minutes.
Allows view of the stylus on the spot on your screen with actual measuring tool and photo option.
This will allow the most enlarged and "recordable" look and will further ease as precise alignment as possible ever to the ones among us who are a bit troubled by eyesight showing our advanced age...;-) ....
I just wanted an instrument which provides the best possible universal alignment results with super simple handling and comfortable feeling.
I will continue to design a few devices which will nicely work with and are based upon the UNI-Pro.
A super precise and truly new P2S-measuring tool will be introduced end this month. This will come together with an easy goniometer to determine offset-angle fast, easy and precise.
I am considering this rather an add-on of interest only for a few dedicated audiophiles who really want to study the subject.
Furthermore - also end this month - there will be a special USB-microscope w/strong cold light to be used with the UNI-Pro and which can be exchanged with the magnifier and uses the same cut-out frame on the UNI-Pro's main frame as the magnifier.
This will allow magnification 20x to 200x (similar to the Dino-lite) and will come with all features, adjustable and with software for Linux, Windows and Mac.
Plug and play within 10 minutes.
Allows view of the stylus on the spot on your screen with actual measuring tool and photo option.
This will allow the most enlarged and "recordable" look and will further ease as precise alignment as possible ever to the ones among us who are a bit troubled by eyesight showing our advanced age...;-) ....