Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment

Looks like Dertonarm has put his money where his mouth is and designed the ultimate universal alignment tractor.

Early days, It would be great to hear from someone who has used it and compared to Mint, Feikert etc.

Given its high price, it will need to justify its superiority against all others. It does look in another league compared to those other alignemt devices

Dear Raul,
you can run your Ikeda in the 506/30 and I am happy to hear that you are satisfied with the performance, but - IMHO ... - the 506/30 is not exploring the performance limits of the Ikeda.
Dear Dertonarm: Last time Agon deleted a thread with this same " discussion " subject ( as a fact the last one was the second time that happened for the same. ), I have 6-7 posts on those deleted threads and in one of them you give the " new " Fr set up parameters and result that distortions levels all over the LP were higher that any other approach/solution knowed.

So, till you don't show those lower distortions and better tonearm set up and only talk about telling us that there are something better IMHO is not enough. I repeat on that thread you try to prove it with out success but with a totally failure.

You ask why I return on this subject and the answer is because you insist on " nothing " and not only me but other people want to know where is that " true ". I'm not the only person that ask you about with no answer, Goech made it too in this thread as other made it on those threads I mentioned. Like all I would like to learn on that issue. If you don't want to talk about or you in reality have nothing then why bring it ones and again that ghost subject.
The people here in Méxiso say: " of tongue I eat 10Kgs. ".

On the Ikeda subject was many months ago when I posted on the quality performance of the SAEC/Ikeda combination. At the end the best cartridge performance was attained with the Mission The Mechanic tonearm.

Regrads and enjoy the music,
I don't know enough about alignment geometry to understand or even question which geometry is best for my particular arm/LP type. I will follow the recommendations of those who know more than I do and listen to the results.

For me, the two aspects of Dertonarm's Uni-Pro which are the most exciting are the extreme precision with which the instrument is designed and then manufactured and the apparent ease with which the user can see these tiny parameters.

My MintLP gave me much better results than my supplied SME cardboard protractor, but it is difficult to use and certainly not universal. If I change my arm or cartridge, I will need to order another one.

I don't want to cut into potential sales of the Uni-Pro, but it seems to me that this would be an excellent tool to share among two or three audiophiles who live near each other. I've considered a similar arrangement with something like the expensive Furutech Demag unit or even a strobe speed check disk. I find that I'm sharing/collaborating with a couple of fun audio buddies more and more these days. We all learn in the process and perhaps save a bit of money to buy more LPs.

IMO Raul's green eyed monster and old habits returned just after you indicated your tonearm will go into production June 2011 :>)

I am looking forward to see if you have designed a better mousetrap.

IMO Raul's green eyed monster and old habits returned just after you indicated your tonearm will go into production June 2011 :>)

I am waiting for Raul's breakthrough in Tonearm Design. For 3 years now...
But it should be crosschecked with a good Phonostage, a design which can handle the 0.2mV without distortions.