Just curious if anyone has compared the sound quality of the ARC CD-8 and ARC DAC 8 with respect to just the redbook CD application. I recall that the CD-8 uses a single Burr Brown chip. However the DAC 8 uses a quad of Burr Brown chips in a mono configuration (whatever that means).

Although on the surface a "quad of chips" sounds more impressive than just a single chip, I suspect that the DAC 8 architecture is driven by its multi digital source capabilities. So ... in short, the single chip versus quad chip attribute may be an irrelevant consideration.

The bottom line Q therefore is whether anyone actually compared the redbook CD playback of the two units.

Bummer, I thought that I could get myself a Dac 8 and a computer audio setup, rip all of my cd's and still sound as good as my ARC cd7. No shortcuts I guess.
Thanks Lostbears. I used to own the CD-7 and then picked up the CD-8. I happen to like the CD-8 a little better, but both are cut from the same sonic cloth. I thought the DAC 8 might edge out the CD-8 in redbook CD mode because the DAC 8 uses a quad of Burr Brown chips configured in mono mode -- whatever that means. However, the DAC 8's topology might have more to do with its other digital capabilities.
Lostbears, if you get a chance, check out my OP re the newly released ARC CD-6. I believe the CD-6 is making its debut at the CES.
I was not impressed with the CD8 . I found a DAC 8 with an Ayre C5mp as a transport to be as good as any digital i've heard .