Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable

Jeff, at Highwater Sound has said that owners of the TW Acustic Raven One turntable can experience a huge improvement in sound by replacing the Raven One motor controller with the controller from the Raven AC turntable.

Has anyone tried this? Jeff is the authority on the Raven turntables, so I am sure he is right about this. I am just curious to hear from any Raven One owners that have tried this.
Slowhand mentioned in the OP that Jeff at Highwater Sound said that huge gains can be had by replacing the stock motor controller from the Raven 1 with the controller from the AC-1. Slowhand then asked if any Raven 1 owners have tried this. Elinor then shared his experience writing that he replaced the controller from the AC-1 that Jeff spoke so highly about with the battery powered controller from the Black Knight and noticed an astounding improvement. So isn't Elinor implying that their is something not so great about the AC-1 motor controller?

There seems to be a difference of opinion about the effectiveness of the AC-1 motor controller. Or is there just a huge difference as you move up the line?
Ha! It must be a small watch that keeps circular time....make mine a Micro Seiki and never look back.
I see by reading some relies above it's apparent you guys have a axe to grind in relation to TW product instead of just staying on topic, why is this.

Jealous! Envious!

Some of the statements made are just nonsence and non constructive in relation to this specific thread and what the OP has posted.

It's find to flavour another product but to start babbling on with silly comments in the end only demonstrats the lack of your credibility.

I'm a proud owner of a TW Black Knight, I have owned a few other TW tables prior to this one but I'm still curious in discussing the thread at hand, being open minded.

I have friends who try different belts, thread, mylar, turn off the sucktion of the platter, use different motors and on. Some of these changes are very noticable and positive, others are questionable.