Motor Controller ugrade for Raven One Turntable

Jeff, at Highwater Sound has said that owners of the TW Acustic Raven One turntable can experience a huge improvement in sound by replacing the Raven One motor controller with the controller from the Raven AC turntable.

Has anyone tried this? Jeff is the authority on the Raven turntables, so I am sure he is right about this. I am just curious to hear from any Raven One owners that have tried this.


again another post that you are just babbling away.

suggesting it costs 50 g's for a TW BK, again you are wrong which just further demonstrates your lack of credibilty.

I still don't see a list of your associated gear, why are you being so secretive? oh ya I recall you saying you feel foolish for having over $30k invested in your front end but then you make a snyd remark what do we call that ...

"Finally , 50 gs for a TW BK like I said the high end industry know their customers well."

Who cares about how much something really cost, this whole audio hobby as a whole is crazy priced.

Come on be a trooper and provide a list so we can comment on some of your gear choices as you have done to others in your previous postings, you surely dish it out enough.

Hi Syntax,

curious why would you write such;

"I would replace it with the VPI motor unit + SDS"

Is that what works BEST with your modified Micro Seiki RX-5000 table?
Syntax, Sorry about that. I did notice that you recommended VPI MOTOR plus SDS the first time around (yesterday), but I obviously could not retain such complex information in my pretty little audiophile head whilst composing my last post. Someone else also got the message wrong, which is what set me off.
Syntax maybe pictures along with caption "VPI dual Motor flywheel assembly + SDS.

Something like that

Tweak Me

Syntax, okay but I still don't understand why you would sugest such, no need to explain.

It's great that Peterayer started the other thread, the individuals who have posted there have been very helpful, what a difference from some individuals who have posted in this thread.

No attacks, not trying to suggests something is wrong with what they have but instead just very educational, proper info. traded back and forth, I personally never knew there was that much going on and involved.