I have a Grado Reference Sonata 1 (5.0mv output) and a Grado Statement Sonata 1 (0.5mv output). The Statement is by far the superior cartridge in my opinion. Clear and nuanced. Almost as much of an improvement over the Reference as the Reference was from my Grado Signature 8, which blew away my Prestige Gold. No hum problem at all, the motor in my TT is shielded, Grado cartridges are not.
The only problem worth mentioning regarding the Statement is it's low output. You're going to need a preamp with a lot of gain (close to 60db) and with that will come hiss.
A friend has an Ortofon MC, don't know what model but it's output is even lower, around 0.25mv. His solution to the high gain hiss problem was to run it through a DBX processor. The sound is pleasant, but I prefer mine. Otherwise, our systems are very similar.
I listen to the Statement but keep the Reference on a spare headshell as backup for quick swaps, they both weigh the same. I use the backup for 45's and to evaluate used vinyl.