I NEED YOUR HELP with a turntable purchase

Hello Everyone,

I need your help with my first high end turntable purchase.
I will be purchasing in May.

I am looking for a really good turntable for my system. I am not sure which way to go. I checked out a Spiral Groove, and so far I really like that one, mainly for it's no nonsense approach and the ease of use. I have also heard about Basis, SME. SME seems to get really great reviews and their owners really seem to like them. I don't quite understand the significant upcharge to US customers though.

my budget is around $15-30k, hopefully including tonearm and cartridge. i could spend a bit more if necessary. i am NOT necessarily looking for the most expensive turntable, but I want the most bang for my bucks. The phone preamp will be Audio Research Phono Ref2.

the rest of my system consists of:
Preamp: Audio Research Anniversary Ref 40
Amps: Audio Research 610T
Speakers: Wilson Audio Maxx 3
Digital: dCS Scarlatti stack

I would appreciate and help you can give me.

Do you really need folks on this site telling you how to spend 15-30K on a TT :)
Most bang for the buck?
Buy a used Garrard 301 for 295,--$ and buy a plinth for it for 12000$.
Thanks again to all of you.
Thanks for your input too Chuck.
I do appreciate all of the feedback because i want to hear from people with first hand knowledge of some of these turntables. i don't want to make a mistake. of course i don't have to spend that amount of money on a table, and would not mind spending even less. i do want something that will match well with my system though.