Humming/Buzzing from Pro-Ject Speed Box II....

hey everyone... hopefully you can give me some insight as to the cause of my problem.
my system is comprised of a pro-ject Xpression III turntable, pro-ject preamp, pro-ject speedbox and peachtree nova amp. everything sounded lovely and worked great until i added the speedbox and now there is a hum as soon as the aux input is engaged... i.e. the needle doesn't have to be down. it's really annoying. i disconnected and reconnected everything but no dice. i moved the pre and speedbox further away from the amp turntable, no dice. any help/suggestions? thanks a lot.
What cartridge you're using?
Speedbox might have too much gain. Check also if the cartridge clips are properly connected. Check the ground connection if applied.
I realy don't know what you've been using before as your phono preamp if applies.
using the stock sumiko cartridge. it's a sumiko oyster. all connections and everything are properly in place. when i remove the speed box and run just the phono box it works fine without hum. only when the speed box is in the mix. if i have to remove it from the pipeline it's not the end of the world but i like the convenience it provides because i do listen to quite a few 45's.
Make sure that you don't keep speedbox next to cartridge. Try to move it as far as possible from sound pick up.